THEORY (Credits 4)
Unit 1: Introduction to Endocrinology
History of endocrinology,
Classification, Characteristic and Transport of Hormones,
Neuro secretions and Neuro hormones
Unit 2: Epiphysis, Hypothalamo-hypophysialAxis
Structure of pineal gland,
Secretions and their functions in biological rhythm sand reproduction.
Structure of hypothalamus,
Hypothalamic nuclei and their functions,
Regulation of neuroendocrine glands,
Feed back mechanisms Structure of pituitary gland,
Hormones and their functions,
Hypothalamo- hypophysial portal system,
Disorders of pituitary gland.
Unit3:Peripheral Endocrine Glands Structure,
Hormones, Functions and Regulation of Thyroid gland,
Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas,
Ovary and Testis Hormones in homeostasis,
Disorders of endocrine glands
Unit4: Regulation of Hormone Action
Hormone action at Cellular level: Hormone receptors,
Transduction and regulation Hormone action at Molecular level:
Molecular mediators,
Genetic control of hormone action