of Chordates (ZOO-1021)
Unit-1: Origin of Chordates- Dipleurula concept and Echinoderm theory
Unit-2: General Characteristics of Hemichordata
General characteristics of Urochordata
General characteristics of Cephalochordata
Study of larval forms of
Unit-3: Advanced Features of Vertebrates Compared to Protochordates
The Axial and Appendicular Skeleton
Jaw suspensorium
Visceral arches
General characteristics and classification of cyclostomes upto class
General Characteristics and Classification of Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fishes)
General characteristics of Osteichthyes and classification upto order
Origin of Tetrapoda
General Characteristics and Classification of Amphibia up to order
General characteristics and classification of Reptilia upto order
General characteristics and classification of Aves upto order
General characteristics and classification of Mammalia upto order
Biting Mechanism of Poisonous snake
Archaeopteryx as a connecting link