General characteristics of Cephalochordata
General characteristics of Cephalochordata The sub-phylum Cephalochordata comprises a single class, Leptocardii, wh…
May 28, 2024General characteristics of Cephalochordata The sub-phylum Cephalochordata comprises a single class, Leptocardii, wh…
May 28, 2024General characteristics of Urochordata Sea squirts, scientifically known as tunicates, were initially mistaken for sp…
May 24, 2024Origin of Chordates- Dipleurula concept and Echinoderm theory The term "dipleurula" was first introduced …
May 24, 2024General Characteristics of Hemichordata Hemichordata, commonly known as acorn worms. They are an intriguing group of …
May 19, 2024Diversity of Chordates (ZOO-1021) Unit-1: Origin of Chordates- Dipleurula concept and Echinoderm theory Unit-2…
May 17, 2024General Characteristics and Classification of Amphibia up to order Amphibians are the first vertebrates adapted for…
May 17, 2024General characteristics and classification of cyclostomes upto class The Cyclostomata are a modified and degene…
May 17, 2024Affinities of prototheria The subclass Prototheria includes egg-laying mammals, considered the most ancestral forms w…
May 16, 2024